Tuesday 21st September

Accommodation gets a 9/10, for a good general standard.

We were returned to our starting place near Scalby Mills by our support crew for the start of our final days walk of 10 miles. It is still windy and we still have shear face cliffs on our left with gales on our right. Arriving in Scarborough we negotiate our way around by the castle where new sea defences are being built. The sand from the building work is being blown into a sandstorm along the promenade, we are lucky it is coming from behind us. Walking on hard surfaces and with plenty of interest on our travels through town makes the miles fly past. As we leave town and travel through the residential area, we come across an area where police bollards are everywhere, we ask a security guard what is going on and he tells us that they are filming an episode of “The Royal” for TV, again our services are not required even as extras so we press onward.

Looking North with Cayton Bay in the foreground and Scarborough in the distance.

 We both feel that the pressure is now of us as it is a relatively easy walk to the finish where we are greeted with waving union jacks by 2 birds, closer inspection reveals it is our wives welcoming us to the finish. The obligatory photo call at the stone monument at Filey Brig ends our enjoyable 7 ½ days walking over a very variable terrain. Reflections of our 8 days of walking are mostly about the 20 mile middle section that really did exhaust us for the following 3 days of our walk. We felt that a more leisurely pace of about 12-14 miles per day would have allowed us to take our time and get a greater pleasure from the walk, however we both agreed that it had been a very enjoyable experience walking over such varied terrain.

Celebrations at Filey Brig, the end of the walk and so grateful for a sit down.

The inscription on Brian’s Tee Shirt reads :-

                                  Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty.     W Shakespeare

Your comments and propositions on a postcard to Brian please

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